BEXSERO is the only meningitis B (MenB) monovalent vaccine that combines 4 different components: fHbp, NadA, NHBA, and OMV, each of which targets a different mechanism involved in MenB survival and disease development.1-3

More than 99% of invasive MenB strains contain genes for at least 1 BEXSERO component.1

  • MenB strains can express varying amounts of surface protein4,5
  • BEXSERO, with 4 distinct components, offers the potential to protect against invasive MenB strains, even when the expression of 1 component is low or antigenically different4,5,*
  • The majority of invasive MenB strains contain genes for more than 1 BEXSERO component, potentially providing multiple targets for vaccine-induced antibodies1,5

*The susceptibility of serogroup B meningococci to complement-mediated antibody-dependent killing following vaccination with BEXSERO is dependent on both the antigenic similarity of the bacterial and vaccine antigens, as well as the amount of antigen expressed on the surface of the invading meningococci.6

Four antigenic components: fHbp, OMV, NHBA, and NadA.
  • MenB strains can express varying amounts of surface protein4,5
  • BEXSERO, with 4 distinct components, offers the potential to protect against invasive MenB strains, even when the expression of 1 component is low or antigenically different4,5,*
  • The majority of invasive MenB strains contain genes for more than 1 BEXSERO component, potentially providing multiple targets for vaccine-induced antibodies1,5

*The susceptibility of serogroup B meningococci to complement-mediated antibody-dependent killing following vaccination with BEXSERO is dependent on both the antigenic similarity of the bacterial and vaccine antigens, as well as the amount of antigen expressed on the surface of the invading meningococci.6

Vaccination with BEXSERO may not provide protection against all meningococcal serogroup B strains.6

Vaccination may not protect all recipients.

fHbp=factor H binding protein; NadA=Neisserial adhesin A; NHBA=Neisserial Heparin Binding Antigen; OMV=Outer Membrane Vesicles.